27.09.2020, 19:00
SpielEstrich, Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel
„It is a wonder we let fetuses inside us.”
In today’s world, pregnancy is either romanticized and over-celebrated or normalized and erased. In the next Blasphemic Reading Soirée we are inviting you to question our ideas about nuclear families, biological kinship and pregnancy. We start by claiming that we all deserve more: we all deserve to be mothers regardless of our biological abilities, and we all deserve to have more than one mother. With “Full Surrogacy Now”, author Sophie Lewis takes us on a journey to imagine what she describes as a utopian world, where creating and raising children is a communal act.
Sophie Lewis publishes on topics ranging from dating to Donna Haraway, from cyborg ecology to queer communism. She builds on the work of other feminist thinkers before her such as Silvia Federici and continues the fight against conceptions about “the natural role/function of some bodies”, as well as against unpaid labor among certain types of care work. Talking about pregnancy, can we liberate ourselves from biological families? Can we liberate surrogacy from the market? “Demolishing the family” she argues, is the way to building feminist futures.
In homage to all the unborns, we are going to read together in a setting that is usually owned by kids: the indoor playground “SpielEstrich” at Kaserne Basel.
Bilder: (c) Golnaz Hosseini